Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Friday of August

Last Friday, we had our usual assembly with a few announcements. 

Marty, who is the school manager opened the assembly by talking about the use of English and how there is a difference in language proficiency for people who lived in New Zealand for 3 years and 10 years. Sometimes you meet someone who has been here for over 10 years and cannot speak English as well compared to someone who has been here for 3 years or less.

His question was, how can you practice English outside school? Refering to my post several weeks ago, it takes effort and motivation to improve your English. Speaking English fluently won't come naturally to you without practicing or doing anything about it. The suggestion Marty made was to join a club after school or extra curriculum activities. Therefore, I have also encourage the students to join the activities I have organized. This will also give them a chance to meet other students.

Chances are that when you go home to your family, you are most likely to be speaking your own language. I tried that with my sister and we just ended up speaking in Thai. It's more of a habit and it's always hard to change the habit. 

Try changing your habit. Not entirely, but slowly. Instead of going home at the usual time, why not try going home a little later? Stay back after school, meet some more people. 

                                                                        Give it a go :)

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